***A quick tip is if you are going to rent multiple times from me or anyone else, I would recommend getting the yearly insurance plan. It is cheaper in the long run and you can save money since I know as a renter insurance costs add up. It is a one-time yearly fee and then you do not need to pay for individual insurance for rentals
Q: Sharegrid is still approving my rental but can I pick up the camera gear now?
A: No, I will not accept any rental that has not been approved by Sharegrid
Q: Where is pick-up/drop off location?
A: Silverlake area. Address will be provided one rental is confirmed
Q: Can you deliver and pick up the camera gear?
A: Depends on location and my schedule. I do not mind dropping off or picking up if it is close or fits my schedule.
Q: What time is pick-up/drop off?
A: I am very flexible in working with your schedule for pick-up/drop-off time.
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